Artist Statement

I started this journey to travel and document my travels using the craft of photography; I discovered that photography let me experience the world on a much deeper level. Photography became my companion my driving force, and over time it became a tool that connected me to my surroundings.

It’s the connection of humanity that gets me, regardless of the language barrier, the cultural disparities; I discovered our common thread is always the human condition.

I often use film, colour and light to capture the essence of my subjects and surroundings. I want my imagery to represent truth, and be a contributor towards positive change.

As an educated photographer I am actively involved in continuing to drive, contribute, mentor and educate those very qualities that first inspired me to pursue and invest in a career that has been life-enriching.

I found my true passion is for capturing ones’ story and I believe the most important stories are often those that are least likely to be told.

Rebecca Carter
Newcastle, Australia.